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Our Vision


To work with universities that are committed to matching student supply with employer demand to support economic growth.


Why Cygnini?

Cygnini was conceived from the convergence of three strands of thought about global higher education and the founders’ passion for analyzing life through metaphor.

Theory of black swan events

The theory, as developed by Nassim Nicholas Taleb in The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (2007) describes an unexpected event that has a major effect which is inappropriately rationalized afterwards.  We saw echoes of that thinking in the responses to the stalling of US higher education growth in recent years.  A chorus has blamed the incoming Trump regime, anti-immigrant rhetoric and visa uncertainty for the outcome.  But deeper analysis suggests that the event was foreseeable and is more complex than a change of governmental tone at the top.  Global competition, typified by the advance of Canada, Australia and Germany and intensified by the rise of emerging countries, had been eroding the US’s dominant position over a longer period.  It is also clear that the growth of both bachelor’s and graduate degrees delivered in the English language offered by universities in non-Anglophone countries has amplified the choice available to students.  Technology has enabled that choice and created even more study options to compete with traditional programs.

Cygnini is based on the belief that insight and intuition – the former based on data and experience and the latter a result of immersion in the sector and heeding its warning signs – can help institutions respond effectively and often pre-emptively to changing circumstances.  The global winds of change are blowing through the sector and whether it is a 'black swan event', a foreseeable recruitment shortfall or a strategic review, we can help.

The Ugly Duckling

Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen wrote this literary fairy tale in 1843.  The story is a powerful metaphor for the potential to discover new purpose and direction after a period of rejection and disillusionment.  Andersen acknowledged it is a story founded on personal experience and he has been described as a "tall, ugly boy with a big nose and big feet…cruelly teased and mocked by other children".  Extraordinarily, the tale appears be entirely Andersen’s own invention and bears no resemblance to earlier folk stories or folklore.

The Cygnini founders have seen the power of education fundamentally change lives, overcome ignorance and unite people.  We have successfully helped institutions reach and impact students’ lives through insightful programs and student recruitment.  Our personal experience and professional capabilities help us innovate and create while recognizing and transforming the “ugly ducklings” and undiscovered swans.  

Serenity, Strength and Spirit

Swans are recognized as graceful and serene birds, but they have enormous power.  Their glide over the surface of the water is driven by strength and energy underneath the surface.  Though a large bird, their endurance in flight enables them to migrate thousands of miles.  They are faithful, long-term partners and strong defenders of their young.   It is a potent mix of characteristics which has been recognized in art and literature, with many references in Greek and Norse mythology.  Hinduism regards the swan as Ultimate Reality. 

Cygnini is a partner-oriented organization which combines intellectual rigor and analytical power.We recognize that finding solutions to complex problems requires complementary skills from calmness, introspection and analysis to energy, endurance and imagination.Our combined track record of success demonstrates that we can bring all those, and more, to support university, employer and student needs.